January 18, 2023
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Ages: Grades 1-6 are a drop off, grades Preschool and Kindergarten require an adult to stay and assist.
New Class! This will be offered the third Wednesday of each month from 10:30-11:30 am. Feb and March class registration will be added later. Snow make ups will be the 4th Wednesday of the month same time. Please make sure you are available both dates before signing up.
January-we will be making mini Clay taco magnets using Polymer Clay that will be baked in a toaster oven in class. Students will learn to form a taco shell, lettuce and tomato (cheese is Premade). After being baked they can add a face if they like. They will stuff it and add a magnet to the back. While Clay is being baked will will make some cute Kuwaii style drawings.
Feb will be snowman and a heart
March will be a rabbit
Cancellation Policy: This class is nonrefundable if cancelled. No refunds, transfers or credits for cancellations. You are welcome to come pick up your Clay if you miss class.