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Sold Out Together Time “Birds”


  •  May 12, 2017
     6:15 pm - 7:45 pm

“Together Time” is a once a month event offering a great discount for a pair of painters to come to the studio!  This month is perfect for a Mom/child or even the entire family! 

Looking for a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day?  Join us at the studio to make these adorable mixed media birds.  ONE ticket is for TWO people and is just $25!   Each 8 x 10 canvas represents a person in your family and each canvas will have 1 bird.  Hang them side by side for a flock! 

Entire families are welcome to sign up-buy a ticket for 2 and then additional tickets for each family member.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.