May 15, 2020 - May 31, 2020
8:00 am
Do your kids need some fun in their quarantine life? Join me for a virtual paint night! Here’s what you’ll get:
-a pre-recorded video posted in a private Facebook group. You can watch it on your own time as many times as you want until June 6. You can also post pictures of your finished masterpiece in the group!
-a take home kit (must pick up at the studio at 103 Sunset Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17112) which includes an 8 x 10 canvas, paint (colors shown), random selection of paper to make clouds, a precut unicorn, handful of sequins and a pre-cut glittery unicorn horn
-buying for more than 1 child? After purchasing the $20 ticket, each additional family member is just $15. This is for immediate family only (the video is not shareable and only 1 email per household can be added to FB group. If buying for additional families please use the $20 ticket for an additional email addition).
You will need to provide your own paint brush, glue, scissors and a Sharpie.
Here’s what your precut unicorn will look like