![<span class='event-active-status event-active-status-DTE ee-status ee-status-bg--DTE'>
</span >Coffee and Crafts- Wood Slice Ornaments
<span class='event-active-status event-active-status-DTE ee-status ee-status-bg--DTE'>
</span >Coffee and Crafts- Wood Slice Ornaments](https://www.maureenmarksart.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/All-inside-200x200-tc.jpg)
Event Phone: 717-773-5263
November 13, 2017
10:00 am - 11:30 am
You will make 3 wood slice ornaments with your choice of designs. Great to personalize with kids names, the year, or a seasonal word. Copy mine or get creative! Lots of ideas on the internet! I will provide coffee. If you have pre-school or Kinders that want to come, please purchase an additional child ticket. The (more…)